I May Need to Rename This Blog

It seems I was mistaken when I chose to name this blog “Stephanie Brown Writes.” Maybe I should have used some dollar store reverse psychology and called the thing “Stephanie Brown Thinks about Writing, But Doesn’t.”

Instead of generating ideas for posts, my brain generates reasons not to post. If I’m passionate about a topic, then it’s too controversial. If it’s inoffensive, then it’s too boring. Etc., etc. And another day passes without a post.

When I was young and didn’t know much, I lacked discretion and spoke my mind. Now that I am older, it seems better to keep my thoughts to myself, especially now that technology has provided more platforms for noise than I could have possibly imagined as a kid. It’s a shame that I clammed up after I grew wiser.

One comment on “I May Need to Rename This Blog

  1. saundersrobinson@gmail.com says:

    I know exactly what you mean. Go for it!

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